Light Up a Room

Who Are You in "Winnie the Pooh"?

Photo Credit: Kaitlyn Blosser


     This question stems from the fact that I've been surrounded by a few Eeyores lately. You know, Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh? He's the donkey that's always depressed about something. His whole demeanor is always in this sad disposition, even when he's trying to be happy.

     Do you know some Eeyores out there? Or maybe you're the Eeyore in your group? I mean chances are, if you can't locate the Eeyore in your group of friends, you're it.  Sorry. I do it because I care.

     Your personality affects an atmosphere. And may be the reason you attract or repel friends.

     And what if you are an Eeyore? Will you ever get out of your slump? I'm hopeful for you, but only time will tell. You have to work doubly hard to feel at rest and at peace with yourself don't you? But once you get to that place of rest and peace, the more jovial side of your personality begins to shine.

     Perhaps you've had Eeyore tendencies for as long as you can remember. (Note: No one wants to be around a party pooper or an atmosphere drainer.) But don't let that deter you. Take it one day at a time, and choose to enjoy the little things. Be thankful Now. Don't wait to be happy.

     To my fellow Eeyores out there, I have mad love for you, really I do--Although sometimes you GET ON MY NERVES, but mostly you help me grow in Patience. See, that was me being Thankful Now, and not waiting to be happy later, when I'm no longer surrounded by Eeyores.


     And remember, admitting you have Eeyore type tendencies, is the first step to recovery. You don't have to stay in that place.

Wisdom's Knocking:

Be thankful now. Don't wait to be happy.

Ugly Face

     Photo Credit: Antique Oil Lamps

     Recently, I've come across someone who is dealing with a great deal of suppressed anger and bitterness. And unfortunately, the damage is not being done to the person that they think offended them, but instead, it's beginning to manifest physically in their appearance. They are appearing hardened, stony, and oddly unattractive. And I don't think they even realize it.

     Do you know people like that? Where instaneously, you can sense they have a chip on their shoulder, they are angry at the world, or have spent a lifetime supressing anger, just below the surface of their skin...

     Well, I wanted to these, that our spirits are saying more than our mouths ever could. There are those people that light up a room, and then there are those that drain all the electritcity and energy from a room.

     I believe that each of us is meant to light up a room, in a unique way. But clutter (Anger, unforgiveness, bitterness, etc.) only help to dim the beauty and brightness of our God given light.

     Once again, I challenge us to love more intensely this year. Love big and Love brightly. We will all take notice when it's truly sincere and authentic.

Wisdom's Knocking:

"This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine."