
The "F" Word

Do you know what happened to me last week...I was attacked by the "F" word.

People drop that F bomb to solidify boundaries. You're there. I'm here. Back up, fool.

It's a wall. And oddly enough it brings freedom when it trickles off the tongue of its master.

I cannot tell you how many times I've been assaulted by this word. It keeps me in my place. I feel pimp slapped and suffocated all at the same time.

But then I get angry. What can I say or do to combat the effects of such a ferocious word?

Instead of a comeback, I'm left to sizzle in my own thoughts. Wondering why I even let such an ignorant display of self preservation affect me so.

But then I realize something else,

Something far more scary than the "F" word itself...

It's the knowing that this word actually needed to be said.

Nothing else would have had the same power and influence.

A boundary needed to be placed.

Because truth be told, I was feeling woozy and a bit dreamy eyed and muddled about my intentions, my opinions, and my stance.

But now, there's no mistaking, I know where I truly stand.

Although it's not December 31st,  I was curious and ready to bet it all, once again.

But you have outrightly declared that you and I will...most likely... only be...


Wisdom's Knocking:

β€œThe glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, not the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when you discover that someone else believes in you and is willing to trust you with a friendship.”

― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Love Is and Time Was and Thick as Thieves

     I've been blessed to have some amazing friends in my life, but one friend in particular has loved me in my most awkward stages of life.

     We met in junior high, but became besties in high school. And she is one of my closest friends to date. She is truly like a sister to me and understands my "artist" tendencies and personality.

     Our friendship is just so comfortable, effortless, and life giving.

     And now, my sister-friend is a wife and a mother, and yet her identity and heart transcends all of those titles. Being in friendship with her and seeing how she walks out the "dailies" (Day to day life), is nothing short of witnessing a miracle and the kindness of God.

     We all need to gain history with just one person, with just one friend that knows us and gets us. Someone who can stand us when we're not cool and don't have it all together. Someone that can teach us a thing or two about humility.

     A friend that will brag about you to their friends and just sit with you in the silence. Maria is definitely that friend to me.

Wisdom's Knocking:

Take the time to allow someone into your life. It may prove far more meaningful tomorrow than today.

Mo' Friends

Photo Credit: Yajaira Reynolds

     In the quest to become ever so popular, especially in the social network world, if you're not breaking at least 200 friends, people might think something is wrong with you. And if you have over 2,000 friends and your not a bona fide celebrity, you may come across as a D-bag.

     As I steadily make my climb on the social network ladder, I begin to feel a bit of conviction. Proverbs 18:24 comes to mind: "A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."

     The true beauty of friendship boils down to those 1 or 2 friends that you know would carry your body out of a burning fire, or would sit and talk with you about nonsense for at least 6 hours straight--and both of you actually enjoy it.

     So I asked myself the question: Am I turning into that person that has the appearance of friendships without the reality of true close and intimate friendships? I hope not.

Wisdom's Knocking:

It's not good to spread yourself thin, especially in the realm of friendships that one acquires. It's about quality of friendship, not quantity.