being single

Guest Post: "Chase This Light With Me"

      Navigating the terrain of singlehood in this day and age is full of twists and sharp turns. And trusting in the goodness of God and the multitude of promises spoken over our lives in the midst of such changes is difficult to say the least. 

     One thing I've realized about myself, is that I'm better equipped and prepared to step into new seasons of life by taking the time to process old and current seasons-especially through the writings in this blog.

     We've hit a theme of sorts in my last blog post, "Excerpts". And I decided that we needed to revisit this revelation that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. And no matter where you are in life, you are worthy of love.

     My good friend and sister in spirit, Bethany Mossburg, is bold and fiery, intelligent and tender. She sent one of her journal entries to me a week ago to simply share her heart. After reading, I knew her writing wasn't just meant for me, but it was meant for you too. I ever so graciously asked if I could share it with you. And thankfully she obliged...

So from Bethany's personal journal to your eyes and heart, "Chase This Light With Me":

     "Tonight, I went running with a friend. As I am currently in the throes of training for both a half and full marathon from veeeeeery little running, it's quite the task to attempt running (and this is only week two). After a very active day, I changed and walked down the street to my neighbor's home. He, a younger brother-like figure to me, was waiting, headphones in and ready to roll. We began moving at a jogger's pace, moving through cul-de-sacs and around bends, occasionally sprinting and then slowing to a walk. But I found myself struggling - my body tensing up and my lungs getting tight. And I knew why.

     Mentally, this run was going to be one of the hardest of my training, and it wasn't because it required much physically. Oh no. THIS was going to be a mental game. A deep mental game. Why?

     Because the last time I went running with someone else - and more specifically, a man - was over a year ago with my ex, "Mr. Man."

     The issue in question had little to do with Mr. Man, really, but rather carried the gravity of our last run encounter. You see, Mr. Man IS a runner. It's what he does. He does it with friends, he does it alone. Mr. THAT guy, who every other day, like clockwork, hits the pavement in the wee hours of the morning.

     Frankly...I liked that guy. The dedication was a thing of beauty to me. The commitment and, dare I say, calling to one foot in front of the other...even now, I value it. But in that run together - our first as a couple - I found a very deep principle that echoed into our relationship in so many ways:

     Mr. Man would find a way to get his distance in, even if it meant leaving me behind.

     As a less experienced runner (and at the time, someone coming off of a harsh chest cold), in my mind, he had every right to leave me. He wasn't hurtful, but he was silent about my skill (or lack thereof). He wasn't mean, but didn't encourage me either. And as a person who loves words - who allows them to give shape, reason, and meaning to her world - the silence was deafening.

     When he left me to "meet me on the other side of the lake", I thought nothing of it. But last night, it all became stingingly clear: I was waiting for Luke, my friend and brother, to leave me too, because I simply wasn't going to be enough.

     My lungs grew weaker.
     My knees started to pull "steadiness" out of the vocabulary of my step.

     My heart started aching.

     And I stopped, breathlessly, to GET IT TOGETHER enough to not seem noticeable.

     Luke, feeling the change (as all good friends do), pulled his headphones out and waited for me to speak. "I'm just tired," I said, hoping to guise my internal monologue of defeat. (Logically, tapping out before someone walks out on you feels better...right? ...Right?)

     "I know, but you can do this. Let's do it together, okay? Just...ten more minutes that you have to do!"

     Look. I'd seen the clock. I knew this man was trying to push me past myself by quite a chunk of time. And for whatever reason, I rolled with it, lungs collapsing and heart bleeding.

     "Okay. Yes. Okay," I said.


     Seven minutes of steady jogs and one or two walking breaks later, we were turning a corner when Luke said, "Let's book it all the way back to my house, and then I'll walk you home!"

     "Luke, that's a hill. Can't we start at the truck? Or the other house?"

     "Nope. Come on. No compromise. You can do this. We can do this."

     And there it was.

     The magic word.

     I started running, and crying a little, and running a little more. I could feel the rain smacking my face, with every drop of resistance the weight of a semi truck against my psyche. But I could see him beside me. I could see his arms moving with mine, his steps paced with mine. And then came the final sprint home.

     "I can't!" I shouted loudly into the street.

     "You CAN! We CAN!" He shouted back.

     And so, like giving birth to a new life, I screamed and pushed myself hard, thudding my tennis shoes onto the pavement and praying for the end to come soon.

     And suddenly. We were home.


     As promised, Luke walked me to my house.

     I explained a little of what had happened for me, and he explained that it was his pleasure to be there for me like that - to help in the redefinition of that moment.

     I went into my home, and started the shower water. Surely, that was enough for one night.

     But the Lord is rarely interested in what we deem "enough to function" and far more interested in the fullness of our hearts being restored and recovered.

     In the shower, I cried. And couldn't stop crying. The depth of the uprooted wound had left me feeling a need for gentleness and kindness to come like a salve over my heart and wash through the cracked spaces.

     The Lord started to speak. "Bethany, my love, it's time to let go of the man who left you behind for his own gain, and it's time to let go of the man who left you behind just to prove himself to you," which, that second one is a more recent love-gone-awry tale of insecurity marring a relationship to fractures and fragments. I sobbed.

     "What do I do, then. How do I do that?"

     "When you get out of the shower, take your oil, cream, and perfume. Put them on."

     Now, I have a bottle of oil, a perfumed body lotion, and an actual perfume that are all meant to be worn together. They each smell of different things, but are meant to marry into one. They're expensive. I wear them only on special occasions. And I am running out.

     "But I'll be showering in the morning for work..."

     "I know that. But you're worth it, Bethany. Let Me reanoint you here. Let me cover you with salve and heal your heart. Let yourself be beautiful for no one but you and Me. YOU are the special occasion now."

     And so I did. I sat on my floor, obediently, and spent my costly perfume on myself. I watched the bottle empty down as I went, hearing His heart, and feeling my value.

     Last night reminded me of something: my value doesn't come from me. My worth is not determined by me, or a standard that I uphold for myself. My value doesn't come because Maya Angelou said it or because Ray Charles sang "You Are So Beautiful". My value comes from my heavenly Father.

     I'm worth keeping step with - not being left behind.

     I'm worth confident, self-assured love - not being abandoned to make a point & live in fear.

     I'm worth the most expensive perfumes - because they aren't wasted on me.

     But not because I said so. Because He said so.

     Because it WAS so before the foundations of the earth.

     And because I trust Him, I believe Him."


     So Beloved, what will you believe today? 

     Often walking in the light involves a pursuit and an exchange of sorts. My interpretation of Bethany's post title, "Chase This Light With Me" took on a double entendre form for me:

     The burdens of our own insecurities become heavy, but when we look up at God's heart for us--Christ's love extended towards us ("The Light"), He makes our load "Light". It's not simply a hope, but a promise.

     We, in and of ourselves suffer great limitation. And I personally can attest to those many moments in life where my own strength and intellect ended, yet where Love's strength arose in me and around me.

     And all of this, as a result of chasing and pursing the "Light", the truth of who we are in God. And embracing the enormity of who He is and what He has already done for us.

     On top of that, believing and knowing, that as you chase the Light, the Light has already been chasing you...

Wisdom's Knocking:

  Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy-laden and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls.]

Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, for I am gentle (meek) and humble (lowly) in heart, and you will find rest (relief and ease and refreshment and recreation and blessed quiet) for your souls.

 For My yoke is wholesome (useful,goodβ€”not harsh, hard, sharp, or pressing, but comfortable, gracious, and pleasant), and My burden is light and easy to be borne.

--Matthew 11:28-30 Amplified Bible (AMP)

The Science of Thought

     I usually end each of these blog posts with a quote, some food for thought, but I'm actually going to begin with a quote instead:

"We get stuck in certain habits, 
because whatever we think about the most grows." 
- Dr. Caroline Leaf

     I am fascinated with topics of quantum physics, our minds, and brains. I say, "Mind" and "Brain" separately, because Dr. Leaf makes a very interesting distinction between the two:

"The Brain is part of the Physical Body and therefore is controlled by the Mind. The Mind does not emerge from an accumulation of Brain activity. Brain activity, rather, reflects Mind activity. Even though the Mind controls the Brain, the Brain feeds back to, and influences, the Mind. The Brain seats the Mind, and therefore the Mind influences the Physical world through the Brain." 

     And just because I'm a nerd, I'm going to add another quote from the lovely Doctor:

There is mounting recent evidence for Neuroplasticity, that is, the ability of the Brain to change according to experience[12]. The anatomy and physiology of the Human Brain is much more malleable and plastic than we once thought. This shows that the Brain changes according to how we use it. The saying β€˜Use it or lose it’, which is usually applied to the Musculo-skeletal system, can now be applied to the Brain as well. Thinking, a Mind activity, effects gene expression. Gene expression produces proteins. Proteins are fashioned into structural elements and enzymes (biological catalysts), which change Brain anatomy (structure) and physiology (function). Therefore thinking changes Brain structure and function. 
     So I share this science lesson with a point in view. As single people, what occupies a majority of our 30,000 thoughts that we might have during the day? Are we constantly looking at what we perceive as romantic lack? Or are we thankful (beginning in our thought life) for the dreams that we are able to whole heartedly pursue in this season of life and are we hopeful for good things to come?

     We now know that thoughts, in essence are alive and can leave behind tangible evidence in our bodies, good or bad.

     Let's just let that sink in for a moment.

Yes, those invisible things that no one else sees being produced in your head, are not as hidden and secretive as you'd like to believe.

     Everything that's hidden eventually comes to light...

     And our thought life is no different.

     I remember being devastated and I mean DEVASTATED, to learn at 11 years old that God could read our thoughts and already knew the true condition of our hearts. I mean, I knew how to fool all the adults and kids with my outward demeanor. But you mean, God could see past my facade? Ahhhhhhh! #toomuchtoosoon

     But ultimately that reality freed me up.

     From that point on, I always lived with the awareness that I'm being seen, and nothing is truly hidden. I think that's what propelled me to write and to write honestly. It's no coincidence that I started writing in a journal that same year I received such a revelation as a part of an individual class project, given by the lovely Mrs. Fry. And it was then that I was told that I had a propensity for writing.

     But I poured my little 11 year old heart out in that little journal. The highs and lows of elementary school life. You know how it is. It gets rough out there.

     But I learned to share my thoughts. My true thoughts. And I learned to bring the scary and confusing thoughts to God. And it's something I continue to practice to this day.

     I invite you to be aware of your thought life. It's not too late to change your 'stinkin thinkin'. And I'm not just talking about getting on the 'positive thinking' bandwagon, I'm talking about bringing an honest heart before God and people. There's healing in that. And there's restoration waiting for you.

     I've not yet learned to take every thought captive. I mean, I usually write about it--the struggle here on this blog. But even though the odds may often seem stacked against you, proclaim a better story and ask for a heart to truly believe it.

     Because your propensity to receive and give love is intrinsically connected to the way in which you've experienced and thought about love in the past or the lack thereof.

     But it's time to prepare yourself for a better story-- a better love story.

     Let it begin now, with your thought life. And may shift give way to a beautiful and powerful legacy full of love.

The "F" Word

Do you know what happened to me last week...I was attacked by the "F" word.

People drop that F bomb to solidify boundaries. You're there. I'm here. Back up, fool.

It's a wall. And oddly enough it brings freedom when it trickles off the tongue of its master.

I cannot tell you how many times I've been assaulted by this word. It keeps me in my place. I feel pimp slapped and suffocated all at the same time.

But then I get angry. What can I say or do to combat the effects of such a ferocious word?

Instead of a comeback, I'm left to sizzle in my own thoughts. Wondering why I even let such an ignorant display of self preservation affect me so.

But then I realize something else,

Something far more scary than the "F" word itself...

It's the knowing that this word actually needed to be said.

Nothing else would have had the same power and influence.

A boundary needed to be placed.

Because truth be told, I was feeling woozy and a bit dreamy eyed and muddled about my intentions, my opinions, and my stance.

But now, there's no mistaking, I know where I truly stand.

Although it's not December 31st,  I was curious and ready to bet it all, once again.

But you have outrightly declared that you and I will...most likely... only be...


Wisdom's Knocking:

β€œThe glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, not the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when you discover that someone else believes in you and is willing to trust you with a friendship.”

― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Why Are You Single?

     Yes, yes. I know. Singleness is not a disease, contrary to what your mother has said in public or the culture at large. And you know me. I love and enjoy my life as a single woman. But I also love romance. Even when it's not happening to me.

     With that said, in addition to me mentioning my "Top Picks" of favorite people each month, I feel so inspired to highlight some of the beautiful people that I know who are single.

     I mean, I'm looking at your Facebook pictures, and it don't make no sense! Why hasn't someone snatched you up?? Okay, okay. Maybe you don't want to be "snatched" up. Which by the way, has a whole new connotation to me now. I just watched the reality series, "My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding". Um. Google that mess. How is it, that I'm just now learning about a society of British "Travellers" that practices the art of "Grabbing".

     "Grabbing" in their culture, and yes, it is a separate culture in and of itself, of which the young boys initiate flirting, grab a girl and try to get her to kiss them. Verrrry interesting and a bit awkward to watch. But there I go again on one of my rabbit trails.

     But once again, I ask the question, "Why isn't anyone trying to holler at you?" In my eyes, you are quite the catch. Now, I'm not trying to be a matchmaker. My track record sucks a bit at that. But I will do my best to be a bit of a P.R. love agent.

     Let the chips fall where they may...

First Up:

Ms. Victoria Clemmons

What I love about her: Her quick wit and good heart.

What you probably don't know about her: She has a fan base

What you should bring to the table: A good song, kind eyes, a solid prayer, and good style

Wisdom's Knocking:

If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.