
Validation: Part I


     It hit me yesterday.

     I had been searching and searching for what was constricting my heart in this current season. I felt stiff in the midst of paradise. Because, you see, everything around me is beginning to flourish, like really flourish.

     But there was this nagging feeling of distress, unrest, and agitation within my soul, manifesting itself in subtle yet noticeable ways to my own eyes.

     I didn't feel fully at peace and in the usual freedom I'm used to walking in.

     Something was lurking and making everything, and all my interactions just a tad bit lacking, and not fresh and vibrant as their potential.

     It's funny how we can treat a blessing.

     Much like we treat the truth.

     At first we look at it with side eyes before we allow ourselves to get excited and receive it. Because we know we've been disappointed one too many times in life, and we think this could be some sort of cruel joke or prank.

     I've been in a season of blessing--crazy unmerited favor. I call it my "Slip n' Slide" season. I've somehow entered a slip n' slide and everything that was once hard is becoming easy. And along this slip n' slide I keep collecting blessing after blessing. It's been so effortless. And incredibly amazing to experience and witness.

      So you would think that being on such a slip n' slide means I'm experiencing nothing but absolute bliss, but that's just not the case.

     As I said earlier, something was constricting my heart.

     God had been giving me subtle clues all last week, of which I totally missed until retrospect.

     And then it hit me yesterday. It took a preacher on a Saturday night service to say it plainly:

     "Stop searching for validation from the very thing that you are meant to bring Light to." Because that, Fill in the blank: (Workplace, that Mean Boss, Your Ex, Hollywood, Your Professor) can't give you the full validation you truly need and want. Nor were those vessels mean to be the foundation of our identity.

     In essence, we are already validated by God. And we are meant to bring that sense of validation (not self entitlement) to all those that we come in contact with, letting them know that they are loved, important, and seen.

     Even in our workplace (especially in our workplace), in our families, in our schools, and in our closest friendships.

     Yes. Challenging, vibrant and courageous words indeed.

     And yet we know vaguely the power of validation with our heads, but do we know this with our hearts?

     And better yet, do we live this out? Moreover, have we come to terms with our own fundamental need for validation in healthy ways. To not just be givers of such generosity, but receivers, true partakers.

     I started researching the importance and art of validation in the midst of writing this post. I've now read and researched over a dozen articles from psychologists, mothers, fathers, pastors, and the like regarding validation, its role in our lives and how we can be partakers in such validation.

     Here are some of my findings about Validation that I wanted to highlight to you: 

"Validation Creates Safety in Relationships:
Validation simply means to substantiate or make something valid. Validation does not mean agreement and is especially important where disagreement is present. Validation is nothing more than communicating to others that their feelings, point of view, or idea is valid. Most people simply want to know that they have been heard, and that what they had to say was not rejected or dismissed as unimportant or insignificant. Validation creates a sense of safety where people can share what’s on their minds and hearts without fear of how the other will react. Once safety is created by validation, certain qualities are instilled that ultimately lead to a healthy relationship regardless of the context."

Credit: Pastor Scott
Benefits of Validation: 
"Validation communicates acceptance. Humans have a need to belong and feeling accepted is calming. Acceptance means acknowledging the value of yourself and fellow human beings.

Validation helps the person know they are on the right track. Life can be confusing and difficult. Feedback from others that what you are experiencing is normal or makes sense lets you know that you thinking and feeling in understandable ways. Your internal experience does not have to be the same as anyone else’s but it helps to know that your experience is understandable. Or not.

Validation helps regulate emotions. Knowing that you are heard and understood is a powerful experience and one that seems to relieve urgency. Some say it’s because when we don’t feel understood it creates thoughts of being left out or not fitting in. Those thoughts lead to fear and maybe panic because of the importance of being part of a group is critical for survival, especially in the early days of mankind, and of the potential loss of love and acceptance which is a basic need. Whatever the reason, validation helps soothe emotional upset.

Validation helps build identity.  Validation is like a reflection of yourself and your thoughts by another person. Your values and patterns and choices are highlighted and that helps people see their own personality characteristics more clearly.

Validation builds relationships. Feeling accepted builds relationships. Some research shows that chemicals related to feeling connected are released when someone is validated.

Validation builds understanding and effective communication. Human beings are limited in what they can see, hear and understand. Two people can watch the same event occur and see different aspects and remember important details differently. Validation is a way of understanding another person’s point of view. 
Validation shows the other person that they are important. Whether the person being validated is a child, a significant other, a spouse, a parent, a friend, or an employee, validation communicates that they are important to you and you care about their thoughts and feelings and experiences. Validation also shows the other person that you are there for them.

Validation helps us persevere. Sometimes when change is very difficult, having the difficulty of the task recognized helps people keep working toward their goal. It seems to help replenish willpower."

Credit: Karyn Hall, Ph.D.

"Validation of feelings means just about everything to having a truly lovely relationship. If your relationship is suffering from validation starvation it is important that it be adjusted. If this lack of validation has been present for some time, then you may need help in getting your communication back on track. Start to make a genuine effort to stop reacting and start listening to your partner’s feelings. Don’t you want to be heard as well?" 
Credit: The Art of Relating: Validation StarvationBy Christine Kniffen, MSW, LCSW, Therapist & Relationship Coach

     In my next blog post, Validation Part II, I'll be sharing some more gold nuggets that are helping to free me up and strengthen my current friendships and relationships. I'll also talk about how validation is seen as suspicious to some people.....

 Wisdom's Knocking: 

"The older I get the more I’m convinced
that we all long for someone to believe in us
and tell us they’re proud of us." 

 - Sammy Rhodes

An extra nugget:

Some of you may have already seen this popular short film from several years ago, aptly titled: 

In light of what's been shared in this post, I think it's totally worth a view. Hope you enjoy! By the way, you're amazing and your feelings regarding this post are valued and valid... ;)

(Trouble seeing the video above? Here's the link:

Guest Post: "Know You, Love You, and Be You"

     I started dating late in life. I joke I had the understanding of a 16 year old but a body of
a 25 year old. Needless to say I learned a hard lesson on how nothing good happens
after midnight. I got wrapped in a relationship without commitment and once a soul tie
was made, I lost “me” along the way. It's been a long journey that I'm still walking out
but who I am today is more gracious, loving and fearless because I've allowed myself
the grace to accept all the good, the bad and ugly.

     Here's some nuggets I've learned along my “34 year” way.

     Know you, Be you and Love you.

     You have to know who you are before you can know who you are in a relationship.
You have to be you in all your quirkiness and give them the permission to love you
just as you are. You have to truly love yourself with all your junk knowing you are a
beautiful work in progress. Being authentic with yourself gives you a healthy ability to
grow and just BE in a relationship. If you like doors to be opened don't apologize for
it, just give them grace to learn but stand your ground. If hanging with your bros is
important then stay true to that while respecting the time and needs of your girl. I am
a true believer in making what's important to them important to you but make sure you
don't lose “you” along the way. Having self-respect is one of the greatest gifts you can
give yourself and it starts with loving your beautiful, messy, honest, (sometimes) crazy,
adorable, loveable self.

    Shame is a prison but you have the keys.

     If you have gone places in the past that has brought you shame, Let It Go! Shame is
an awful thing that paralysis you from your potential. It makes you seem small when
really you are strong, able, vivacious and free. Shame defines you as “less than”,
Grace defines you with respect, honor, and worth. What you do might shape you but
it doesn't define you. Don't allow shame to steal a minute, a day, a year of your life.
Acceptance of what was and the ability to set it free will give you grace to lift up your
head in dignity and receive the love that is for you. No good comes from shame.

     What is for you will not pass you by.

     I have been trapped by fear that “IT” may never come unless I work at “it” and make
“it” happen. If I pray a little harder, dream a little bigger, focus more intently it will
suddenly manifest. But as cliché as it sounds when you least expect it, that is when
it happens. Shifting your attention off the thing is not only healthy but helpful. I think
when we want something so bad we send out this needy energy that can come across
as “too much” and unattractive. You might not say I'm desperate with your words but
it's oozing from your very being. The best way to combat “desperato-ville” is to take
your energy off “when will it come” and put it on “who you will be when it does”. I truly
believe that the right (un-perfect) but perfect for you person will come and the best
is to rest in that fact. Find new hobbies, live full adventures, make memories with the
best human beings you've surrounded yourself with and when your person comes they
will be a beautiful addition to a full life that already exist.

     You are enough. You're growing, learning, being and trusting. You are in the right
place. Shake off what was and set your soul free. Lift up your eyes and hold on to
hope. It will happen. Don't sweat it, control it, fear it or force it. Rest in the fact it WILL
come to pass and be okay that there is nothing you can do about it.


     Kristen Joy Hilyard is a Texas based designer that over the last few years has stepped into her role as a life stylist expert. Through life experience, schooling, creativity, intuition and culture she has grown as an artist and recently launched her business 33Perspective

    33Perspective marries her passion for design with her desire to impact pertinent issues related to violence, isolation, and re-imagining one’s life. Each of her pieces are hand design and crafted with intention. 

     Whether stamped, beaded, sculpted or found, they are inspired with herself and others in mind. Her varied experience and influence in the entertainment industry includes the lead role in a short independent film, featured in local and national commercials, and several news segments on Fox News, Great Day Houston, Mirror Mirror, and as a co-host on a political talk show on CNN 650 Radio News. 

     Bohemian in style she frequently sports a sparkle headband with her blonde beach waves and will break out in song at any moment of the day. Spontaneous dancing usually follows…if you are lucky enough to be in her proximity, you will find yourself somewhere in her twirl. Her desire is to connect with the human spirit, and listen and decipher the intentions and hearts of all who visit her future talk show.

You can find out more about Kristen Hilyard here:

When You're Home


      I've been learning afresh in these last few months how to simply be a daughter.

     It's so easy to get caught up in the personalities of our days and the people that surround us. Our agendas, our schedules. It's in this swirl that we gradually begin to blend into something undefined and opaque, rather than allow ourselves to be truly present.

     We are bombarded with versions of our own identity through magazines, films, and TV shows. And it doesn't take long before we start believing those images, and those powerful, powerful words.

      You become what you behold...

     And so when I, in December was struggling intensely with anxiety, it thrust me into a place of weakness. Weakness that would then set me up for a type of strength that I had not been living in before.

     I had heard many many times, in the past, "In our weakness, God's strength is made perfect." But now, I was beginning to actually live it. I was beginning to experience this incredible exchange first hand.

     The ways in which I thought I was was just an illusion.

      And in the midst of my fading strength, I was struggling to let go of this illusion. Because if I couldn't control this illusion of trying to hold it all together, how could I control anything else? How in fact, could I and would I live?

      And this is where things began to shift dramatically in mid-January.

     When I let go of my faulty and limited strength, God's strength swooped in.

      And I don't just mean, like a dove gently perching on my shoulder.

     I mean, more like a life transfusion being infused into every atom and molecule in my body, and especially my mind.

     I was no longer living off of my own limited life source, but instead, the life of God.

     And when His strength came, I was face to face with something equally scary and glorious. The potential possibilities of who I could become and the things that I could really do.

     He brought me home, into Himself. And when you're home with Him. There's no fear there. It's--it's the place you've always meant to come to.

      You know when you're at home at your family's house. You can take your shoes off, lay all pretenses aside. You burp, you fart. No one is shocked that you sleep until 2PM. And you get to be yourself. You simply get to rest.

      Believe it or not, it's from that place that we are meant to catapult into destiny, from a place of rest, your soul being at rest, in an atmosphere of love.

     Because Identity is strongly rooted in the places we call Home.

     And so now, God, after walking with me through the Valley of Despair, holding my hand ever so firmly, began to show me who I really was and am. My identity through His eyes. And He, with those beautiful eyes invited me to rest in this identity. To see it, To know it. To accept it. And finally now, to live it.

     It's so interesting what you learn, when you go Home.

     And I--

     I'm learning, how to simply be a daughter.

Wisdom's Knocking:

Let God's heart be your Home.

Clip features: "Home" - JohnnySwim